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Should you be counting calories for weight loss?

Kayla Castle • September 6, 2021

I am not a fan of counting calories or macros. Can you lose weight from it? Yes, of course, but you are missing out on a crucial part. The ability to listen to your body needs. We all were born with this ability eating till feel satisfied but past the toddler age, we tend to lose this ability. Why? In part society, parenting style, environment, etc. Learning intuitive eating takes time and a bit of trial & error but this is a learning phase and on the other side is a greater understanding of your body.

So how do we start eating intuitively?

Have a few core principles in mind. I have found the following is the best way to ensure diverse nutrient intake: 

A balanced meal or snack is always key
Think protein, carb, and fat every time you eat. Trust me it is easier than you think. A whole-grain sandwich with lean protein of choice and avocado and you got a nutrient-dense balanced meal. 

Now is not the time to cut food groups
I don’t advise anyone to cut food groups unless you have an allergy or food sensitivity. For example, cutting carbs is a big NO! I will create another post on why cutting carbs is truly ridiculous. 

Have 2 fruits a day
These make a great addition to snacks. Such as a banana or apple with nut or seed butter.

Have at least 1 vegetable with your meal
Veggies are nutritious satiety superheroes. 

Include leafy greens with your lunch
Simply because unfortunately leafy greens are commonly under-consumed. Nutrient-dense and aid in satiety. 

Water, water, water. Can’t emphasize it enough water is your body's best friend period. 

Get back to the basics. In this technology world, we need to take a step back and it's easier than you think:
• Go for a 10-minute walk after dinner. Helps aid in digestion, clear your mind and increases your daily movement. 
• With that being said get active. Our bodies are made to move, start working out 30-minutes for 3x/week will jumpstart your mind-body connection
• Try a 10-minute meditation daily 
• Be conscious when eating, don’t eat in front of a tv.

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