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My Top 3 Favorite Breakfast Meals

Kayla Castle • February 16, 2021

I love breakfast, I am super hungry when I wake up and want to eat something nutritious but also filling ! Aka, don’t want to get hangry 1 hour later and snack non-stop all day. Check out my favorite filling and delicious breakfast picks:

1.) Chia seed pudding,
My absolute favorite. I have this about 5-6 days a week, a breakfast staple for me. Prep at night wake up and breakfast is ready. I really don’t like to spend much time making breakfast because I am so hungry and just want to eat, so this works perfectly for me.

2.) Egg white veggie scramble with toast,
PSA: I am NOT against egg yolks ! I know it is a big controversy in nutrition field but feel free to eat the damn yolk. I only have this on Saturdays and I don't cook it myself. Otherwise I probably would lean towards using, 2 egg whites and 2 whole eggs. Stir-fry with mushroom, onion, garlic, bell pepper and parsley. Along side a slice of WG bread, plant sterol and honey. ( Since I have no patience, I usually am snacking on granola or an extra slice of toast till ready)

3.) Smoothie Bowl, 
Another favorite of mine. This recipe tastes like an indulgent pudding without the sugar crash. I always make sure to keep some frozen bananas in my freezer at all times. Plus who doesn’t love having chocolate for breakfast ! Top it off with granola, coconut chips and strawberries. 

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"Your health and wellbeing should be your #1 priority, nothing else is more important" ~ Robert Cheeke
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