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Cardio vs Resistance & How often should you be doing them

Kayla Castle • September 30, 2022

A common question I get is how much cardio should I be doing? Also, which resistance exercises are best for building lean muscle. 

Cardio and resistance are equally important for different reason: 


  • Increases blood flow- offering a cardiac protective element
  • Has been shown to aid in brain functioning especially as we age. Research has shown engaging in cardio exercise decreases one’s risk of Alzheimer’s
  • Can help lower blood sugar levels
  • Improves and maintains joint range of motion, reducing arthritis discomfort 

Fitness wise, cardio burns more calories initially that can aid in faster weight loss. However, to target fat loss, a combinate of cardio and resistance is needed. 


  • Decreases risk of cognitive decline as you age
  •  Reduces osteoporosis risk by increasing bone density
  • Improves mobility, stamina, and posture 

Fitness wise, resistance workouts build muscle, which continues to burn calories after your workout ends. Continuously engaging in resistance workouts has been shown to rev up your resting metabolic rate +7%! Thanks to the increased muscle-to-fat ratio as you continue to build muscle. 

Buttt… how often should I be working out?

As a beginner or intermediate level, working out 4-5x days/week is a solid plan. Shoot for a minimum of 30-mintues per each workout. 

2x days cardio

2-3x days resistance 

As you advance make sure to take at least 1x rest day. 

Bonus: Active recovery rest days are great ways to stay active and recover your muscles. Think yoga, walking or stretching!

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"Your health and wellbeing should be your #1 priority, nothing else is more important" ~ Robert Cheeke
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