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Stretching 101

Kayla Castle • May 11, 2021

Stretching is a commonly overlooked component of fitness. Stretching improves muscle flexibility increasing your range of motion and reduces muscle stiffness. Also improves blood supply by increasing blood circulation that in return increases nutrient uptake and aids in waste removal. Plus stretching may also help to improve posture by relaxing tight muscles. 

Pre-workout Warm-up:
Warming up before your workout increases blood flow and oxygen exchange capacity. It also activates the cardiovascular and neuromuscular systems. Further warming up reduces muscle fatigue improving your workout performance. 
So how long should your Warm-up be?
5-10 minutes is a good range. I like to walk for my warm-up and then do a few stretched before beginning. A combination of low-intensity steady-state cardio with static stretches helps ease your body into movement. 
What about the cooldown?
5-10 minutes is a great range for a post-workout cool down as well. Cooldowns slow your heart rate and breathing. In addition, reduces muscle cramps later on. My favorite cooldown is grabbing my foam roller and spending 20 seconds on each tender/sore spot.

Don’t avoid the warm-up and cool-down part of your workout. Stretching helps reduce injury, improve performance and reduce muscle cramps and soreness.

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