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Strawberry Cake (GF)

Kayla Castle • July 4, 2022

Happy 4th of July!

Celebrate the 4th with this themed Strawberry cake naturally red from the berries themselves! This gluten-free cake contains 1lb of fresh strawberries with a slightly sweet cream cheese frosting. 


Cake ingredients:

1 lb fresh strawberries, stems removed

1 cup + 2 tablespoons oat flour (GF)

¼ teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon baking powder

4 tablespoons plant sterol/ unsalted butter- softened to room temperature

2 egg whites- softened to room temperature

1 egg- softened to room temperature

5.3 oz vanilla yogurt (I used DF)

½ cup organic sugar

Frosting ingredients:

4 oz cream cheese- softened to room temperature

4 tablespoons plant sterol/ unsalted butter- softened to room temperature

1 cup powdered sugar

1 tablespoon strawberry puree- preserved from cake batter ingredients


1.) Add all the strawberries to food processor and puree till smooth. Pour contents in a pot over medium-low heat. Bring to a boil then lower temperature till a simmer for 20-minutes. Stir often as the strawberries can burn easily. 

2.) Preheat oven to 350F and spray a 9’ In cake pan with baking spray. 

3.) In a stand-mixer beat the plant sterol/butter, egg + egg whites and yogurt. Slowly add in the flour, baking powder and salt. The batter will be thick at this point. 

4.) When strawberry puree is done remove ¼ cup and set aside. Add the remaining strawberry puree into stand mixer and blend. Pour batter into cake pan. 

5.) Bake for 30-34 minutes, till passes toothpick test. Remove and place cake on wire rack. When cake is cool about ~15 minutes flip cake and continue to let cool. 

6.) Prepared the frosting; add the cream cheese and plant sterol/butter to stand mixer, beat on high. Next add in the preserved ¼ cup strawberry puree. Slowly add in the confectioners’ sugar. 

7.) When cake is completely cool frost the cake with frosting and let sit for 20-mintues, enjoy! 

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