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Glowing Skin Smoothie

Kayla Castle • February 24, 2021

Winter is tough on skin from irritation, breakouts and dry skin. I've been drinking this smoothie every day! I have noticed less breakouts (#maskne) and overall a more glowing hydrated face. Jam packed with nutrient dense foods to support health skin glow. 

Here’s the scoop on why this smoothie supports healthy skin:
Pineapple- anti-inflammatory , rich in vitamin C and polyphenols help protect against premature aging. Pineapple also contains the enzyme Bromelain, that can help treat eczema, acne and dermatitis. 
Cucumber- skin hydration goddess here! Cucumbers help to reduce skin irritation, swelling and puffiness. 
Spinach- rich in vitamins C, A and K, this vitamin-rich food helps replenish skin, sun damage and scars. 
Ginger- another antioxidant rich source here, reduces skin irritation and supports collagen production.
Lime juice- rich in flavonoids and vitamin C, hydrates and supports collagen production.
Maca- this adaptogen is commonly referred to as vitality, strengthens skin against damage.
Coconut water- great hydration source making it a great moisturizer aka glowing skin.


• ½-1 cup coconut water, more if needed to have a less thick smoothie
• ¼ English cucumber or 1 mini Persian cucumber, I left the skin on. To make less bitter peel first
• 1 cup frozen pineapple
• ½ banana
• ½ lime or lemon, juiced
• 2 large handfuls of spinach 
• 1inch fresh ginger or ½ teaspoon ground ginger
• 1 teaspoon maca

Add all ingredients to blender and blend till smooth. Enjoy!

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