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Seasonal Colds & Nutrition Remedies

Kayla Castle • November 30, 2021

Winter is here and unfortunately; the colder temperatures brings seasonal colds. 

Did you know that having a poor diet impairs the production and activity of immune cells and antibodies aka our immune system? Nutrients that support immune cells' function and growth include vitamin C, zinc, selenium, and iron.  So how can we up our immune systems? Eat a diverse diet. Reach for those dark leafy greens, cruciferous veggies, fruits, lean animal proteins, legumes, nuts, whole grains, and fortified dairy. 

*Pro-tip: During the winter months, we have less sun exposure and are at increased risk for vitamin D deficiency.  It is advised to take vitamin D for immune health, strong bones and gastrointestinal health. The Institute of Medicine recommends adults in the United States supplement vitamin D 600 to 800—IU per day.

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"Your health and wellbeing should be your #1 priority, nothing else is more important" ~ Robert Cheeke
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