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Pumpkin Dog Treats

Kayla Castle • November 4, 2021

These 3-ingredent pumpkin dog treats are a quick and easy treat for your pup! Sophie loved these and I hope your dog does too! Since certain ingredients are dangerous for dogs to consume stick to the ingredients listed or check first before substituting. 



·      2 cups Oat flour

·      ½ cup canned pumpkin, no sugar added- only ingredient is pumpkin 

·      ½ cup peanut butter, no sugar or xylitol added


1.)   Preheat oven to 375F and line a cookie sheet with parchment paper. 

2.)   Mix all ingredients together in a bowl. Use a cookie scoop to form cake balls. Then lightly use back of a spoon to flatten

3.)   Bake for 9-11 minutes till set. 

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