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Inflammation Series-Part 2

Kayla Castle • July 15, 2021
Get those ZZZ’s
Sleeping allows the body to recharge and refresh the brain. Inadequate sleep is linked to higher body weight, decreased concentration, decreased athletic performance, increased risk of heart disease and decreased immune function. 6-8 hours of sleep a night is ideal. 

We like to move it move it
Engaging in 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise reduces inflammation. Exercising gets things moving in the body and helps to flush out bacteria from the airway and lungs. I have a new post coming soon that goes into further depth about the link between exercise and immunity. 

By now we all know stress whether it is emotional or physical, can negatively impact the body and the immune system. Stress reduces the immune system's ability to fight off antigens and corticosteroids which can suppress the immune system. Try meditation, it can be an effective way to help manage stress. 

Maintain a healthy weight
Having excess weight especially excess abdominal fat increases inflammation risk. Fat cells produce and secrete compounds. Immune cells look and target invaders, resulting in overactive immune cells thus decreasing their effectiveness. Reducing excess body fat and weight can increase immune function. 

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You know when you eat something sweet and then later in the day you start feeling sluggish and tired? That sugar crash feeling is from a sharp rise in blood sugar levels followed by a decline. Having consistent blood sugar levels provides us with a consistent energy boost. By structuring our meals in a balanced pattern, you will be less likely to experience a “sugar crash”.
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"Your health and wellbeing should be your #1 priority, nothing else is more important" ~ Robert Cheeke
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