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How To Engage Your Core

Kayla Castle • October 12, 2021

I’m sure you have heard the common sayings: engage your core & pull your belly button up towards your spine.
But how do you know if you are engaging your core correctly?

Why should you engage your core?
Protection from injuries. Not engaging your core puts more pressure on your back and other areas such as shoulders during exercise. Core stability is the foundation of functional movement. Engaging your core is beneficial for cardio, weight lifting, resistance and helping improve posture. 

What are the main core muscles?
Transverse abdominis (TVA) is the deepest muscle layer of the abdomen. Responsible for stabilizing the spine supports the abdominal wall and protects the organs. 

Latissimus dorsi muscle is located below your shoulder blades extending to the pelvis on each side of your spine. Responsible you stabilizing your back. 

External obliques are located on each side of the abdomen (aka love handles). Responsible for providing you supportive flexibility to twist and move the torso, and flexing your spine.

Rectus abdominis is the ‘visible’ muscle (aka six-pack) a long flat muscle that extends from the rib cage to public bone. Responsible for moving and bending the spine. 

How to engage your core?
Take a breath on the exhale and embrace your core muscles. Sort of zipping up your muscles from the rib cage to your pelvis. Visualizing pulling your belly button to your spine can keep your work to feel the rooted.

Signs you are not engaging your core correctly:
• A cool mistake your ribs are hyperextended- instead your ribs should be plucked in and visually you can see them moving as you breathe
• Your back is not over-arched nor slumped. We want a neutral spine
• You remain in control and stable during exercise not losing balance nor wobbly
• Shoulders are down away from your ears
• You are not comfortably able to breathe. When done correctly engaging your core allows you to still breathe as normal

Stay tuned, I will be posting core activation exercises soon!

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