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How Often Should You Workout?

Kayla Castle • June 1, 2021

The American Heart Association recommends 150 minutes/per week of moderate-intensity exercise. Or 75 minutes/ per week of vigorous/high-intensity exercise. 

What is Moderate vs Vigorous Intensity? 
Moderate-intensity exercise: gets your heartbeat beating faster but you are still able to talk. From perspective 50-70% of your maximum heart rate. An example of a moderate-intensity exercise would be power walking. 

Vigorous/high-intensity exercise: is your highest intensity about 70-85% of your maximum heart rate. An example of vigorous/high-intensity exercises would be sprinting and HITT workouts. 

Your Weekly Schedule? 
While creating a workout schedule is unique to the individual based on your goals and lifestyle. Here is a good starting point template that you can customize to your own specific goals. 

If you’re a beginner, I recommend 2-3 workouts per week.
If you’re intermediate, I recommend 4-5 workouts per week.
If you’re advanced, I recommend 5-6 workouts per week. 

That being said, fitness is cumulative meaning it matters just as much what you do out of the gym as it does in the gym. 
A few simple tweaks can help increase your daily activity: 
• Park your car further away when grocery shopping so you have to walk further to the store 
• Take the stairs over the elevator/escalator
• Walk if feasible instead of taking the subway/bus/car 
• Go for a 10-15-minute walk after dinner. Aids in digestion and helps reduce stress from the day. 
• Get your family involved, take the kids to the park, do a couple’s workout or take your dog for a walk

What types of workout should I do if trying to lose weight?
This depends on what level of fitness you are at (beginner/intermediate/advanced) but a good foundation would be 50:50. If you workout 4x a week, have 2x workouts resistance-based and the other 2x workouts cardio-based. 

Example weekly workout schedule:
Monday/Friday: cardio workouts
Tuesday/Thursday: resistance workouts
Wednesday/Sunday: rest
Saturday: active recovery (plan to do 1 active thing not based in the gym, such as playing in the park or going for a hike)

What even more?
Head over to the contact page to connect with me. Together we can create a workout schedule based on your needs and goals. With support and accountability, I am here to help you on your fitness journey! 

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