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Healthy Travel Tips

Kayla Castle • July 29, 2021

My top 6 healthy travel tips!

1. Hydration is key! 
I always have a bottle of water with me whether I am traveling or not. Regularly staying hydrated can kelp with jet lag, fatigue and headaches. If traveling somewhere tropical and/or will be outside for hours it is very important to stay hydrated. 
2. Easy on the alcohol
I know, I know, you are on vacation! Alcohol is dehydrating, this is especially important to remember on tropical vacations. The recommended alcohol beverage per day is 1 serving for women and 2 servings for men. Alternating alcohol alongside a glass of water is a good way to help keep your body hydrated
3. Pack snacks! 
If you know me, in addition to having water packed with me, I also always have a stash of snacks with me. Why? When hanger comes along, it is more tempting to grab sugar-laden foods. Having your healthy snacks curb your hanger and not spike your blood pressure. Raw nuts, vegan protein bars and bananas are my favorite snacks to pack!
4. Get moving! 
I am NOT the type of person to sit around all day on the beach. I am always on the go. Walking everywhere to see local sites. Now I am not saying you need to run around every day on vacation but walking around exploring the area is a fun active way to experience as a local. 
5. Sunscreen 
Don’t forget it! If you do get sunburn, look for an after sun-care product that contains Aloe Vera.
6. Have a veggie-focused meal
Don’t skip out on the veggies just because you’re traveling. Maintaining a healthy balanced diet will keep both your mood and energy up.

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