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Healthy Holiday Eating Tips

Kayla Castle • November 11, 2021

It’s my favorite time of the year- festive season! While the holidays can be a happy, jolly yet stressful time- you can still follow a healthy lifestyle and have your cookie too!

1.)   Check in on yourself

How are you doing? 

Feeling stressed? Excited? Overwhelmed? Take 10 minutes for yourself; go for a walk, meditate, or do something you enjoy doing. Focus on your breath- it has a grounding effect. 

2.)   Water first

Seems so simple yet easily ignored. Drinking water instead of a beverage saves you calories, added sugars and hydrates your body. Plus, will help relieve symptoms of the holiday bloat too. 

3.)   Balance is key

Should you avoid your favorite holiday foods because they might not be the healthiest option- NO! Let's finally throw out the restrictive and all-or-nothing approach. Instead, have your favorite foods take 1 serving size at a time and have some leafy greens before you start eating your meal. Having leafy greens will provide your body with fiber and helps you by learning to eat till you are no longer hungry. Keywords- no longer hungry which is not the same as eating till you are full. 

4.)   Plan ahead

Worried there will be no healthy options for a holiday get-together? I have two ideas to help keep you on track. One idea is to bring a vegetable side dish with you to your holiday get-together. Or have a salad or other vegetable before going to your occasion. This goes right back to #3 eating some nutrient-dense and fiber before eating your meal.

5.)   Feeling holiday pressure

Feel guilty turning down extra servings? Don't be! Instead, you can ask to bring the leftovers home, reply maybe later, or explain you are no longer hungry. Don’t feel guilty for listening to your body's hunger cues. 

6.)   Slow Down

Slow down and enjoy the present moment. Take your time enjoying your meal avoid eating fast as it is easier to overeat.

7.)   Lastly, enjoy the festive season

Find ways to be grateful, express gratitude and be proud of yourself. 

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