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Goji Berry Energy Bites

Kayla Castle • January 6, 2021

For Christmas I was gifted a food processor, I am so happy! My last one broke, I couldn’t make any energy bites for a long time. This was my first-time using goji berries in energy bites and I was surprised how tasty these turned out.

Goji Berries contain all 8 essential amino acids. Great sources of vitamins A & C, iron and zinc. Goji berries are antioxidant rich supporting both the immune system and eye health.



1 cup medjool dates, soaked for 10 minutes in warm water, deseeded 
1/2 cup dry goji berries 
1/3 cup raw cashews
1/3 cup raw almonds 
1 tablespoon unsweetened shredded coconut


  1. Place all ingredients in food processor. 
  2. Mix on high till ingredients are crumbled then pulse till mixture forms into a ball. 
  3. Using cookie scoopers form a ball ( about size of tablespoon). 
  4. Store in fridge!
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