1. Make small changes
Making any dramatic changes is NOT sustainable and will not help you in the long run. Reassess your diet, look at your portions, add more fiber and protein and stick to mostly water for beverages. Avoid any low-calorie diets, I go much further into detail in another post on why undereating is counterintuitive to reaching your goals.
2. Get moving outside of the gym
Sure, you hit the gym 2-5x/a week and are training hard. But what is your activity like outside of the gym? Fitness goes way beyond the gym, get more active in your daily life. Take the stairs, go for a walk, do chores, get your body up and moving around.
3. Are you too focused on the number on the scale
While tracking your weight may be helpful initially you may seem it start getting frustrated with it and stress too much over the scale. When I started my fitness journey, I would be so devastated when the scale said my weight was the same or even up. Use other methods to track progress. Measure your waist, arm, thigh circumference, see how your clothes are feeling and most importantly how you feel about yourself.
4. How stressed are you?
Life is hectic but that doesn’t mean we can neglect our minds. Stress eating is sometimes used to cope with stress. However, it is vital that you work on the root of the problem and not mask it. I recommended starting small by meditating 10 minutes daily. It is amazing how those 10-minutes can bring such clarity and calmness to your life.
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