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Eating Healthy on a Budget

Kayla Castle • April 21, 2021

Eating healthy on a budget does not have to be difficult. I recommend sitting down 30 minutes a week and planning your weekly menu. Consider double-batch cooking. On the weekend prep, an extra recipe and portion it out in containers for you to have during the week. Here are some more tips to get more bang for your buck!

  • Check out the store flyer, here you can find sales and coupons. The weekly store flyer is available online and in the entrance of grocery stores. 
  • Double-batch cooking saves time and money during the week. On the weekend cook an extra batch on your meal. Be wary of portion sizes. It may be easier to individually portion out the meal in individual containers to limit overeating. 
  • Looker for cheaper alternatives. Such as frozen produce and canned items. Frozen produce is just as nutritious as in-season produce. When buying canned items look for low-sodium, zero added sugars, and choose fruit juice over syrup. 
  • Eat based on produce that is in-season. Off-season produces tends to be more costly and less tasty.
  • Cook more meals at home. Eating out tends to be more costly and higher in calories, sugar and, sodium. Cooking at home is cheaper and a healthier alternative.
  • Buy in bulk,, buying certain foods like grains, nuts and animal proteins have a lower unit price when bought in bulk. 
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"Your health and wellbeing should be your #1 priority, nothing else is more important" ~ Robert Cheeke
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