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Chicken Quesadillas

Kayla Castle • July 12, 2021

Quesadillas are one of my classic go-to meals. Especially when I don’t feel like cooking or have very little food in the fridge. Don’t eat meat? No problem! Eliminate the chicken and add more veggies. I usually only make veggie quesadillas but this time I had some leftover chicken to use up.


• 1 medium chicken breast, poached & shredded
• 10 baby bella mushrooms, chopped 
• ½ red bell pepper, diced
• ¼ yellow onion, diced
• 1 avocado, sliced
• 1/3 cup mild salsa
• 1/3-1/2 cup cheddar or mozzarella shredded cheese, optional
• 1 teaspoon smoked paprika & garlic powder
• Salt & pepper to taste
• ½ teaspoon cumin powder
• Tortillas, I used brown rice 
• 2 teaspoon plant sterol, divided

1. Heat a skillet over medium heat. Melt 1-teaspoon of plant sterol and add the mushrooms. Cook stirring often for 5 minutes. Next add in the onion and bell pepper. Sauté for another 4-5 minutes till tender. Lower heat to low. Add the spices, shredded chicken and salsa. Cover skillet with lid and let simmer for 3 minutes. Add filling to a medium bowl.
2. Prepare your quesadillas. On the tortilla add the filling to one side of the tortilla. Top with avocado and sprinkle of cheese. Fold tortilla in half. 
3. Melt the remaining 1 teaspoon plant sterol in skillet over medium-low heat. Add tortillas 1-2 at a time. Cook about 4 minutes on each side till lightly golden. Continue with rest of quesadillas. 

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