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Blender Banana pancakes

Kayla Castle • May 3, 2021

Yup, throw all the ingredients in the blender, blend and start cooking. My kind of recipe! No flour or sugar needed, only wholesome ingredients. In the morning I am all about quick and easy, I have no patience for cooking breakfast #hangry. This base recipe allows for plenty of wiggle room to customize. Perfectly delicious plain, but if you want to switch it up, I topped half of the pancake batter with chocolate chips. Delish!

• 2 ripe bananas
• 1 ½ cup Old Fashioned whole rolled oats
• 1/3 cup milk, I used unsweetened almond milk
• 2 tablespoons yogurt, I used oat yogurt
• 2 eggs
• 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
• 2 teaspoons baking powder
• Toppings of choice, I sprinkled a few chocolate chips on top

1.) Add all ingredients to blender and blend till smooth. Heat skillet or griddle over medium heat and cook pancakes about ~3-4 minutes per side.

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